ブログ 4:ホームレスとオリンピック

  レスポンス をhttps://www.business-humanrights.org/ja/最新ニュース/日本東京都オリンピックのためにホームレスを立ち退き/


Tokyo's Homeless Pressured to Disappear Ahead of Olympics – The Diplomat
credit: AP Photo/Jae C.Hong


Even though homelessness is a problem all around the world, it seems like there is stigma for the country which has the homeless population as well as for the individual people experiencing homelessness, which I have talked about in previous blogs. When the world attention is on a country and it wants to be seen in the best light, it is common practice to try to make the homeless population disappear, at least temporarily.

オリンピック前の東京では、行き場のないホームレスに立ち退き 掲示 がました。記事の中で,ある人がホテルに泊まる場所を見つけたで話したますが、オリンピックの宿泊施設が ニーズ に前に、彼は出発するがあります。In 2000, Sydney’s mayor was worried about the city’s image as a world city, hosting the Olympics, with a great fireworks display. 彼は、町が通りでホームレスの人々に対処していることが示すことが重要と考えました(Beadnell, 2000)

2000年のオリンピックの時, シドニーのホームレスの人々は、ホステルと寄宿舎に移されるか、バスでシドニー外 の送らました。This might seem like a good thing except that hostels and boarding houses in Sydney were known to be less safe than the streets. また、オリンピックが終わった後、ホームレスの人々は通りに放り出さました(Coffin, 2020)

Both Sydney and Tokyo’s approach is comparable to what happened in Atlanta during the 1996 Olympics. In Atlanta, homeless people were moved up to 300 kilometres away and 9,000 people were arrested in the lead up to the games (Beadnell, 2000). It seems that the quick fix to the problem of homeless people not disappearing when the government wants them to, is the same in Japan as it is in Australia and elsewhere in the world.


Reference List

Beadnell, M. (2000, February 3). Sydney's homeless to be removed for Olympics. Retrieved from World Socialist West Site: https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2000/02/olymp-f03.html

Coffin, E. (2020, September 16). THE NAKED CITY: THE MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR – SYDNEY 2000. Retrieved from Arts & Entertainment: https://cityhubsydney.com.au/2020/09/the-naked-city-the-magical-mystery-tour-sydney-2000/


