ブログ 1: 日本のホームレスの人


レスポンス を https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/newpage_17922.html

Benner, T., 2014. Down and out in upscale Japan. [Online]
Available at: https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2014/10/26/down-and-out-in-upscale-japan
[Accessed March 11 2023].

  多くの情報源は、日本を世界でホームレスの人々の割合が最も低い国を挙げています。日本の人口は 1 億 2,500 万人を超え、日本の厚生労働省による 2021 年の公式数値は 3,824 人のホームレスの人々でした(003%)。此のこの数値は、前年の報告された数から 4.2% の減少です。それに比べて、オーストラリアはこの地域で最もホームレス人口が多いと考えられて、約 1,000 万人のホームレスがいます(0.5%)(Bravo, 2022)

 日本のホームレス率が低い理由の一つは、世界のホームレスを助長する多くの問題が日本とは異なることにあると思われてい(The Borgen Project, 2021)。たとえば ,きびしい厳しい やくぶつほう薬物法 があるため 、 やくぶつちゅうどく薬物中毒 り もんだい問題 に なりません 。薬物中毒は、オーストラリアなどの他の国でホームレスになる一般的な理由です。

 Another, more concerning reason might be that a lot of homeless people aren’t counted in Japan because of stigma and shame. For example, the Advocacy Research Centre for Homelessness thinks the homeless population could be 2.7 times more than what the government says (The Borgen Project, 2021). Because of shame, most homeless people don’t beg and try to keep clean so as to not look homeless. Although there is stigma in Australia as well, maybe because homelessness is so widespread there might be more of an understanding of the reasons that people can become homeless (Batterham, 2020). In Japan, it is considered to be the person’s fault. 


Reference list

Batterham, D., 2020. Public Perceptions of Homelessness – a literature review. [Online]
Available at: https://cms.launchhousing.org.au/app/uploads/2020/06/Public-perceptions_a-literature-review_Final_Public.pdf
[Accessed 12 March 2023].

Bravo, E., 2022. Homelessness in Japan: the country with the smallest percentage of homeless people. [Online]
Available at: https://tomorrow.city/a/homelessness-in-japan
[Accessed 10 March 2023].

The Borgen Project, 2021. Japan’s Homeless Population. [Online]
Available at: https://www.borgenmagazine.com/japans-homeless-population/
[Accessed 11 March 2023].




  1. Can you make the website links alive, so people can click on them and read the original articles? They should be under "Reference List".
    Interesting topic and good analysis. There are a few grammar errors. You should use grammar structures which you learned for your writing, e.g. ...と言われた、によると、という(いいます)、だから
    Please add more new vocabulary in your notes.

