ブログ 3:ネットカフェとホームレス


レスポンス をhttps://www.nippon.com/ja/in-depth/d00597/


  譲二, ., 2020. 「ネットカフェ難民」漂流の危機-コロナ禍のしわ寄せ、若い世代にも. [Online]

Available at: https://www.nippon.com/ja/in-depth/d00597/
[Accessed 13 March 2023].


COVID のパンデミックは、世界中のホームレスの人々に、脆弱でない人々とは異なる影響をました。例えば、住所が無いと福祉を受け難しいIt is harder to get vaccines that need to be given several weeks apart when you have no fixed address (Jiji Press, 2021).日本に、通り住んでいる人々の数が劇的に増加しましたから 政府がホームレスとみなさなかった人々が宿泊施設を失ったため ますIn my previous blogs I spoke about the stigma of homelessness in Japan causing people to hide that they had no permanent residence.  人々のこれを行った 1 つの仕方は、インターネット カフェで寝ることとシャワーを浴びることができる (譲二, 2020)これら多く人々はしごとをもっても、恒久的な宿泊施設を支払うには十分は ありません。日本の政府は、これらの人々をホームレスの統計に含めていません。

Once the government declared a coronavirus state of emergency, the internet cafes were forced to close and the people who stayed there had to leave (Ashcraft, 2020). Many people also lost the insecure or low level of employment they had at this time. Although hotels were an option for some it is unclear where most of the internet refugees went.  There are many barriers to applying for welfare including stigma and the requirement to confirm whether family members can provide support. Many people will not seek this solution due to shame  (譲二, 2020).

We would like to think that the situation is better in Australia, but in recent years the number of employed people who are in danger of becoming homeless has increased (Oaten, 2019). Recently, people with full time employment have been seeking assistance from welfare agencies. Although people in Australia face some of the same barriers in terms of obtaining housing and welfare, the stigma is less.

Reference list

Ashcraft, B., 2020. Internet Cafes Shut Down In Tokyo Due To Coronavirus Covid-19, Putting People Out On The Streets. [Online]
Available at: https://kotaku.com/internet-cafes-shutdown-in-tokyo-due-to-coronavirus-cov-1842876619
[Accessed 13 March 2023].

Jiji Press, 2021. ワクチン、接種券届かぬ人にも=「誰一人取り残さない」支援団体や自治体奔走. [Online]
Available at: https://www.nippon.com/ja/news/yjj2021120800132/
[Accessed 13 March 2023].

Oaten, J., 2019. Having stable housing a 'pipe dream' for Australia's working poor. [Online]
Available at: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-02-05/employed-and-homeless-people-seeking-assistance-rises/10773692
[Accessed 13 March 2023].

譲二, ., 2020. 「ネットカフェ難民」漂流の危機-コロナ禍のしわ寄せ、若い世代にも. [Online]
Available at: https://www.nippon.com/ja/in-depth/d00597/
[Accessed 13 March 2023].

